Domestic Violence Outreach Worker (403) 529-1091 | 1-800-661-7949

Phoenix House Helpline: (403) 529-1091 | 1-800-661-7949

Support Services
(403) 664-3577

Big Country Hospital Physicians Dr. A. Osakuade  |  Dr. R. Conde  |  Dr. P. Muller *** Oyen Medical Clinic – Hours of Operation Monday-Thursday: 9am-12pm & 1pm-5pm Friday: 9am-1pm Closed Weekends & Statutory Holidays Medical Clinic (403) 664-3577  |  Hospital (403) 664-4300

(403) 664-3577

Primary Care Network Palliser: (403) 664-3577

Support Services
(403) 664-4300

This facility provides a range of healthcare services including a 24/7 emergency department.  *** Big Country Hospital Physicians Dr. A. Osakuade  |  Dr. R. Conde  |  Dr. P. Muller *** Facility Address 312 3 Street E | Oyen, Alberta | T0J 2J0 Medical Clinic (403) 664-3577  |  Hospital (403) 664-4300 (switchboard)

Oyen EMS

Support Services
(403) 664-3156

Mental Health Capacity Building Project
(403) 664-3733 ext.3014

The REAL Project The goal of the REAL Project is to introduce important facets of positive mental health at each grade level to ensure that students have the building blocks to become resilient, happy and productive citizens. We also work with the Family School Liaison Worker and community partners to make referrals to appropriate services…

Program Coordinator
(403) 664-2255

Oyen FCSS Volunteer Coordinator   FCSS Volunteer Resource Center: The Oyen FCSS Volunteer coordinator is responsible for the development and delivery of volunteer services in Oyen and surrounding district.   Key Objectives: Promote Volunteerism and raising awareness of the power of service Build capacity for effective local volunteering through management consulting volunteer programs and training…

Program Coordinator
(403) 664-2255

Tracy Hudson – Youth Program Coordinator   My job is rewarding in ways that make me feel confident in the person I am and who I am for my community. I am someone kids feel they can come to in a trusting way. They feel comfortable with me enough to talk when they need an ear, or…

(403) 664-2255

Communities In Action Coordinator   This job is to take action on social issues and concerns within our community. The work of the coalition focuses on activities and programs that foster social development across generations. These actions are supported through grants and our strong partnerships with service providers and community members who are committed to our…